
A curses-like library for node.js.

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Content & Tags

Every element can have text content via setContent. If tags: true was passed to the element’s constructor, the content can contain tags. For example:

box.setContent('hello {red-fg}{green-bg}{bold}world{/bold}{/green-bg}{/red-fg}');

To make this more concise {/} cancels all character attributes.

box.setContent('hello {red-fg}{green-bg}{bold}world{/}');

Blessed tags support the basic 16 colors for colors, as well as up to 256 colors.

box.setContent('hello {red-fg}{green-bg}world{/}');

Tags can also use hex colors (which will be reduced to the most accurate terminal color):

box.setContent('hello {#ff0000-fg}{#00ff00-bg}world{/}');

Blessed supports all terminal attributes, including bold, underline, blink, inverse, and invisible.

box.setContent('hello {bold}world{/bold}');

Newlines and alignment are also possible in content.

  + '{right}world{/right}\n'
  + '{center}foo{/center}\n');
  + 'left{|}right');

This will produce a box that looks like:

| hello                 |
|                 world |
|          foo          |
| left            right |

Escaping can either be done using blessed.escape()

box.setContent('here is an escaped tag: ' + blessed.escape('{bold}{/bold}'));

Or with the special {open} and {close} tags:

box.setContent('here is an escaped tag: {open}bold{close}{open}/bold{close}');

Either will produce:

here is an escaped tag: {bold}{/bold}
SGR Sequences

Content can also handle SGR escape codes. This means if you got output from a program, say git log for example, you can feed it directly to an element’s content and the colors will be parsed appropriately.

This means that while {red-fg}foo{/red-fg} produces ^[[31mfoo^[[39m, you could just feed ^[[31mfoo^[[39m directly to the content.